How to use personal branding images to stand out from the crowd? Look who’s nailing it!
Let’s be honest about one thing in business: we all want to stand out!
Being swallowed up in the noisy crowd? Forget that. Picturing ourselves as just one of the others is enough to bring a tear to the eye for any committed business owner.
Going unnoticed even though we know our business is worthy of so much more attention than it’s receiving is a nightmare – and so it should be. But for so many, it’s a nightmare that never comes to an end.
So, when a particular personal branding strategy stands out and shows us an eye-catching example of what we can do to gain attention from our buyers, it’s always a good idea to take note.
There’s always something to learn from those achieving better results with their branding than we are, right?
With that in mind… I invite you to check out the head-turning website from Vanessa Curtis at Radial Consulting (www.radialconsulting.com.au) as a phenomenal example of modern personal branding. Vanessa flew up to Brisbane – all the way from Melbourne – to get the images she knew she wanted and needless to say, they’ve been put to work for her accordingly.
Radial Consulting is a high-level consultancy servicing the tech-industry. They stand apart from the crowd and with Vanessa as the face of their brand, it’s no surprise.
First things first. Vanessa captures our attention by being different. The website itself challenges the status quo with a side-to-side scrolling feature as opposed to the predictable and expected up-and-down approach. This feature allows the website itself to feel clean, organised and simple – a welcome experience compared to so many of the word-heavy consultancy websites we’ve all become so accustomed to.
But here’s the most important thing:
As we – the viewer – are experiencing these traits and values through her website, Vanessa displays the first of her confident branding images right in the middle of the page. She has cleverly and subtly associated her image with the experience of clean, organised and simple.
It’s these small differences that make the biggest difference at the end of the branding day (not to mention sales numbers at the end of a month).
As we continue to explore Vanessa’s website, we can also see she understands what her buyers need from her. So many branding efforts go to waste because they miss this critical step.
Keeping in mind her ideal service of consulting to the tech industry, they typically need her to display certainty in her abilities, to be relatable and personable and to be flexible and versatile in her approach to achieving results. They need to know she’s just as ambitious for her client’s success as she is engaging to work with.
Without even needing to explicitly say this on her website, Vanessa again cleverly and artfully displays this through her branding images in the precise locations where each image is needed most. A confident, engaging image in the ‘Presenting’ section and a highly approachable and personable image in the ‘About’ section leaves us assured she is trustworthy and perfectly aligned to the service she offers.
She has clearly understood the value of a versatile image library and is implementing it beautifully. It truly is elegant brilliance in website form.
If a picture says a thousand words, then a picture in the right location says a million.
Because of this, Vanessa’s website shows us the stunning difference between just ‘having a good headshot’ and being a master of personal branding.
Anyone and everyone can look good in their display photo on social media, but to use a versatile image library can cause our ideal buyers to salivate over us where ever they look.
There is a difference.
And the difference matters. Not just in terms of gaining attention, but also in converting that attention to revenue with class and authority throughout the entire buying experience.
Is it finally time you stood out from the noisy crowd in your industry? Let’s connect. Call 07 3202 7275 and find out how not just a single photo, but an entire image library and branding strategy can help you to achieve exactly that.
Still on the fence about picking up the phone? Here’s what Vanessa had to say about her experience of working with Jo in the creating of her personal branding strategy:
“Jo has an eye for detail that makes you realise her experience and understanding in design is so important in her profession. I needed to be front and centre for my business, Jo enabled that to happen in a relaxed, fun and empowering way.”